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ETD 39/20/13 Transformer Ferrite Cores

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-19      Origin: Site

ETD 39/20/13 Transformer Ferrite Cores

One way to test the permeability of an eddy current probe is to use an eddy current probe with a ferrite core. These probes are very efficient and can measure a significant amount of current. However, when you use a ferrite C-core, it is important to remember that the permeability value is also affected by the stray flux and the air gap.

The gap between the ferrite core and the surrounding winding must be selected carefully. If the gap is too large, the core will overheat before its thermal limit. The winding will also overheat before reaching its optimum flux. Besides inductors, ferrite cores can also be used in transformers and inductors for switching DC/DC converters.

The B66363 series of ETD 39/20/13 transformer ferrite cores are made to IEC 61185 standards and are ideal for switch mode power supplies. They have a high weight-to-performance ratio and are available in gapped and ungapped versions.

The gap between a ferrite core and an air gap is usually 5mm. Alternatively, a ferrite core can also have an air gap of 1mm. Air gaps allow for more effective storage of magnetic energy in a ferrite core. This translates to significant energy density.

Inverters that operate at high frequencies typically use a ferrite core transformer. It is also used in isolated dc-to-dc converters. The high ferrite core is also useful for step-up and step-down of dc voltage in solar panels.

The permeability of a ferrite core is largely determined by the gap length. If the gap is long enough, it can increase the leakage inductance. If the gap is too small, it can cause the ferrite core to crack. Therefore, it is important to select a ferrite core with a gap of sufficient length.